Did the "SaaS-pocalypse" and the rest of 2016's Q1 public market turmoil slow down Tech M&A? Or were the underlying factors of buyer cash reserves, disruptive technology and strategic imperatives overriding uncertain markets? Corum Group gave the most in-depth look anywhere at Q1 of 2016 for mergers and acquisitions of software and related technology companies. We looked at the key deals, trends and valuations for all six technology sectors and 30 subsectors, with a special focus on what it means for technology executives considering whether this was the right opportunity window to take their firms to market.
April 14, 2016
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Presentation Transcript:
April 2016 Tech M&A Monthly
New York time
Did the "SaaS-pocalypse" and the rest of 2016's Q1 public market turmoil slow down Tech M&A? Or were the underlying factors of buyer cash reserves, disruptive technology and strategic imperatives overriding uncertain markets? Corum Group gave the most in-depth look anywhere at Q1 of 2016 for mergers and acquisitions of software and related technology companies.