
United Kingdom

About the transaction
JAGEX, the owner and developer of the iconic RuneScape online gaming franchise, was placed at the heart of a new public Chinese gaming company, Zhongji Holding. Zhongji Holding is part of Shanghai Zhongji Enterprise Group, a highly respected and well-established Chinese company, and its acquisition of JAGEX represents its first foray into the gaming sector. Corum represented JAGEX during the M&A process. Zhongji Holding is committing significant resources to its investment in the global games sector and further acquisition activity is anticipated as the Company increases its presence in the space.
Read more about the transaction
- RuneScape creator Jagex is now part of a new Chinese games company
- Field Report: Jagex acquired by Zhongi Holding [Audio]
- WATCH: Rod Cousens Interview - Jagex Acquisition by Zhongji