Sale or recapitalization? What’s right for you?

A recapitalization is not a separate event outside of the M&A process. On September 12, we’ll discuss how you can simultaneously pursue the sale and recapitalization options. This approach can drive up your value.

What’s in store for you in this webcast:
  - CEO’s Desk: Vertical Market M&A Update
  - Special Report: Sale or Recapitalization? What’s right for you?
  - September Tech M&A Report: Key deals, top buyers, trends and valuations 
Corum's Tech M&A Monthly is a regular webcast series for software company owners, executives and CEOs. Each month, Corum Group, the world's leading M&A firm for software and related technology companies, examines the world of Tech M&A. In addition, Tech M&A Monthly includes special reports on buyers, markets and the M&A process itself. This thirty-minute webcast is a must for owners and CEOs considering Tech M&A, whether now or in the future.