Elie Youssef's photo

Elie Youssef

Vice President

Contact Info

Dubai, UAE
eliey () corumgroup ! com


Throughout his career, Elie has embraced the challenges of driving innovation and digital transformation in leadership roles in both the private and public sectors across diverse industries, which include Media & Advertising, Automotive and Aviation. He has extensive experience in delivering complex projects with technologies that include large scale ERP suites, augmented reality, mobile application and web development, IoT, data analytics and machine learning. With passion, a dedicated work ethic and a collaborative mindset, he has developed and refined the skills to effectively manage and guide businesses through their go to market process. His expertise in digital transformation, startup management and business development have been recognized with multiple awards and accolades, including the MIT Pan Arab Startup Competition. Elie holds a Master's degree in Computer Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Bath in the UK.
Elie Youssef on Corum Group


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