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Nihat Arkan

Vice President

Contact Info

Cologne, Germany
nihata () corumgroup ! com


Nihat Arkan joins Corum Group with a diverse background, being a passionate leader in global cross-functional teams to develop and implement progressive, customer-facing solutions that drive financial growth and efficiency for multi-national corporates to establish a Blockchain-based start-up to address global “big data” challenges in multiple sectors. Nihat enjoyed managing over $1B in turnovers in proposals and quotations for US & UK Government Agencies, led the world’s largest Product Data Management Company, managed three global mergers and seven acquisitions, and controlled the growth of SaaS solution offerings to a customer base from 27 countries to 64 and from 9,000 to 25,000 in 16 languages. Cologne Economy Club awarded him Best Company/CEO of the Year (2017 Kölner Unternehmerpreis). Nihat Worked/Lived in six countries and possessed multiple citizenships.
Nihat Arkan on Corum Group


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